Friday, December 2, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

SPM ... 35 天

今天就是倒數 SPM 的第36天 .
說久不久了 . 我真的覺得不久 .
一個月 , 眨眼就過了 .
事到如今 , 我才把我的科學搞好而已 .
唉 , 我還有 8 科要讀 .

其實時間真的很不夠 .
但我還是很努力的讀 .
讀到多少就讀 .

還記得我剛上中5的時候的那天 , 就好像上個月發生的事那樣 .
時間 , 我後悔了 , 我後悔沒有珍惜你 :')

話說回來 , 我很久沒有出街了啦 T^T
上次出街就是上雲頂 -_-
到現在沒出過街 .
就快瘋了的說 .

雖然我很想出 , 但是我怕我會後悔 .
會後悔自己怎麼爲了玩也不去讀書 .
SPM 啊 , 一生人只考一次 .
全力以赴吧 , 別讓自己後悔 :)

就寫到這裡 , 我會再回來的 ! :D

Friday, September 2, 2011

icantthinkatitleforthispost :x

these weeks i was having fun with them :)
Celynn and Suki . ♥

See Picture and I'll explain my life to you ;)

[ Take 1 - Suki's Grandma's Birthday (: ] 

[ Take 2 ]

[ Take 3 - Broga Hill ]

[ Take 4 - when i pass the bridge , completely scare die liao -.- ]

[ Take 5 - Sek Na Duk Miu (: ] 

[ Take 6 - Mushroom Chicken at Rangers :D ]

[ Take 7 - Genting Trip ! ♥ ]

[ Take 8 - Indoor RollerCoaster ! ]

[ Take 9 - Sitting on the romantic boat xD ]

[ Take 10 - Genting Dinner , expensive like hemmm gam -.- ] 

[ Take 11 - Sitting on romantic boat 2 xD ]

[ Take 12 ]

[ Take 13 - each of us have a new bf liao xD hahaha ]


[ Take 14 - Group Picture before leaving :D ]

[ Take 15 - v^.^v Peace ~ ] 

[ Take 16 - Flashlight ! ]

[ Take 17 - Babe Suki ♥ ]

[ Take 18 - ♥ ]

[ Take 19 - Babe Celynn ♥ ] 

[ Take 20 - Babe Suki ♥ ]

[ Take 21 - Korean Village + BBQ ]

[ Take 22 - Korea Food ]

some pictures very mess up. i'm trying my best to put it in arrangement. i have done the best :( 

TRIAL exam soon. i can't take it la. fml. Countdown SPM still got 72 days. countdown my bday too (: ♥

hey , it was so surprising me that you will find me, what was the reason ? :D 
i wonder why, hmm :\ 
thanks for fulfilling my wish (: .
should end my post at here and , ALL THE BEST TO THOSE WHO ARE TAKING EXAMS :D ! 

imma gonna come back when SPM ends :P !